Does a game's multiplatform status lower the perceived value of a game and stunt its success?

Does a game's multiplatform status stunt its success? Obviously releasing a game on more platforms exposes it to a wider audience, but it also reduces its sheen. By being on everything, it makes the game seem less special, and it might reduce its sales overall, even though it can sell to a larger audience than if it was on a single platform.

Conversely, a game's exclusivity might help its success by giving it that sheen brought on by its "exclusive" status. Zelda, Last of Us, Halo, and other such games might sell less if they were multiplatform. They might actually sell more because they're exclusive, even if they are selling to a smaller install-base.

Of course, this cannot be tested, but an example of the impact of a game's non-monetary value affecting its sales has recently been witnessed. The Wii U has an install-base of over 13 million people, but the NS's version of Breath of the Wild has far outsold the Wii U's version, even though the NS has a far smaller install-base. Food for thought.


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