I confess. I have become a semi-hipster-gamer.

Hipster-gaming. I really don't like how everyone plays the same thing. When everyone starts playing something, I don't want to play it, usually. Resident Evil VII is not something I want to play right now. First of all, it doesn't look like an RE-game; and secondly, it pisses me off that people who have never played an RE-game are into this game. I am a hipster-gamer.

Resident Evil on Gamecube is one of my favorite games of all time but Gamecube wasn't the most popular system of its generation, so I felt a little more special playing it. When you play a game that all the news-outlets are talking about, you feel a little less special. After the initial desire to play a hot new game passes, I realize that I didn't need to play that game anymore, and the Haterade-level in my blood increases. How did this happen?

I wasn't always like this. Even earlier this generation, I was all about playing whatever new game I wanted to play, on whatever platform it came on. Slowly, I started resenting companies for eschewing and ignoring Wii U. At first, I would buy a game but not play it because I wanted to 'support' the developers. I did this with Metal Gear Solid V; I bought it, but haven't downloaded and installed it yet. Eventually I stopped buying these games that skipped Wii U, entirely. I wanted to believe in a world where Nintendo got these games - a world I grew up in. A lot of kids, teens, and young adults these days grew up in a world with Wii, where it was underpowered. I grew up in a world where Nintendo was out there in the race for power and getting third-party support.

I have a simple desire: for Nintendo to get third-party support and regain their confidence and desire to compete on a technological power-level, and not just in innovative controls. People think those two things are mutually exclusive, but they're not. Nintendo can innovate with controls and compete in power. I just think they have lost their confidence and desire to do so, after so many years.


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