Giving up on Nintendo

There comes a time in every Nintendo-fan's life when he or she wants to give up on them, but I say that it's these times where we must further strengthen our resolve and give them our support. The NS started off strong, but there will be trying times indeed.

When 3DS continues to get games and NS doesn't, we will be perplexed. When most AAA third-party games skip NS, we will be sad and angry, but we must go on.

I know this sounds like a religion, and it is, to many a hardcore Nintendo-fan; the difference is that I'm aware of it. It's not about the money. I already have the other consoles and a gaming-PC, but I just do not want to use those systems until absolutely necessary. I know other people feel the same way, but in reverse, in opposition to Nintendo.

Nintendo gave me joy throughout my life, and so I want to show my support in return. Giving up is easy. Fighting through these tough times is hard, and when we finally get a console that matches Xbox One in power, it will be that much more worth it, having waited and endured industry-wide ridicule for so long.


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