Whoa, not woah; and PS4 Pro Destiny 2 Bundle Thoughts

 The Correct Spelling is Whoa

This is one of those misspellings that is rampant on the internet. The proper spelling is "whoa," but I see "woah" all the time. I don't know why this is, or who started this trend, but it has to stop, and the first step is awareness.

PS4 Pro

I bought a PS4 Pro via the Destiny 2 Bundle. I bought it because the optical drive on my Japanese PS4 stopped reading blu-rays and Sony's American branch wouldn't fix it. I also bought it because it's white, looks nice, and the slip-cover looks nice as well. I usually don't keep boxes of consoles unless it's a Nintendo-system, but I decided to keep this one. The Nintendo-exclusive love is over. I will embrace all companies' systems and games.

The transfer-process from my old PS4 to the Pro was painless and fast. I was getting 70 MB a second after connecting the machines to each other via ethernet-cable; it was awesome. I had around 200 GB of data transferred in about 35 minutes.

As for the games themselves, I honestly can't tell a difference between the regular PS4 and the Pro, especially because I don't have a 4K display. Still, it's nice to have for future-proofing my PS4-library. It provides more of a mental peace of mind than actual, visceral satisfaction.


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