The Problems With Titanfall 1 On PC

I have only played Titanfall on PC. Maybe these problems don't exist on Xbox One or Xbox 360.

Burn Cards are a fun, little element to the game that adds randomness, longevity, and fun-factor, but it also contributes to the unfairness of the game at times. Some Burn Cards are overpowered, like Map Hack which shows you where all the enemies are, whether they are cloaked or not. Satellite Uplink is a weaker form of Map Hack. Being able to call in Titans at the beginning of a game is also overpowered, but at least you can hide from them. Getting killed by someone with Map Hack, even though I am hiding by myself in the far reaches of the map, pisses me off.

Premade groups of friends can also queue against teams of random players. This is unfair, and my random teams usually get wrecked. How is this any fun for either side? Curb-stomping people with no challenge is no fun, and getting killed over and over with no chance of winning is also no fun.

In games with random players against premade teams, I see this a lot: 5 or 6 Titans are in the premade team, and people on the random team will call in their Titans one by one, only to get smoked. The people on the random team need to coordinate and call in their Titans simultaneously, but that will never happen, even with text-chat.

Worldwide matchmaking takes too long. By default, at first, you join lobbies with players from your own region. The problem is, that there are less US-players playing Titanfall than probably Europe. It almost always seems to be the case with PC-games; PC-gaming is more popular outside of the US. Eventually, if you wait long enough, and there are no US-players to play with, you will join a worldwide lobby, but it takes forever. I don't know how long. Ten minutes?

I know there's no point in complaining about Titanfall 1 on PC. It's a relatively old game, and they have probably fixed a lot of these problems for Titanfall 2. It's just that Titanfall 1 is such a better game otherwise, I would rather go through these problems than play Titanfall 2.


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