If all you do is follow others, you can not be a leader

The title of this blog-post is logical and seems obvious, but most people don't follow its principles. I was watching Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, and one of the points he brings up in every episode is for the human to be the pack-leader of his or her dogs. Applying that to the human world, if all you do is follow other people, you can not be a pack-leader.

This applies to competitive videogames. If you are just a nerd and only copy the top players, and scrounge around for information, you will never be the best. You have to be calm and assertive. A nerd who is anxious for information all the time, and worried that he or she doesn't know the latest techniques, or is on top of the "metagame," can never beat someone who is calm and assertive.

There have been many examples of calm and assertive leaders in the world of competitive videogames.

If you watch the documentary "The Smash Brothers," you will know that Ken did not know all the advanced techniques, like wavedashing, or catching items mid-air, at first; but he still won. Why? He was calm and assertive. When he lost to Chillindude, it was because he had just found out about Directional Influence, and was experimenting with it.
Alex Valle in the world of Street Fighter competitions in the United States, is another one. Back when he used to be the king, the internet wasn't what it was today. People could not rely on gimmicks they found online. They could only rely on their skill and their demeanors during battle. Alex Valle was always cool as a cat.

You do not need to know everything about a game to be good at it. If you are just calm and assertive, you can be the pack-leader.


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