"Gobam Trivet Bamboo Coasters Pot Holders Durable great for Table Kitchen,Natural Bamboo, 2 Piece,Square-7.48-inch" Review

I had been using a makeshift-trivet with envelope-mailers, and I was sick of it. They were unbalanced and dirty. I decided to finally get trivets for myself, and these are the first trivets I have ever purchased, and I adore them.

They look thin, light, and weak, but they're not. I was surprised at how heavy they were. Combined, they are 1.1 pounds, so I could tell that they were not cheap pieces of cardboard. They are made with three layers of bamboo stuck together.

I'm confident that I could put a hot, boiling pot on it and the table underneath will be fine. I picked these because they didn't have holes or openings on the bottom. I always found it pointless when trivets had holes or big openings for heat to escape to. There is a lot of heat that escapes and hits the table when trivets are designed this way.

They also have nice rubber "feet" on the bottom that will not scratch any surface you place them on.

The picture above is the trivets themselves on a bamboo-table. Lots of bamboo-love going on.


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