I am so sick of the hate directed at Final Fantasy VII.

It is so predictable but tiresome. Whenever something is popular, people who are not enlightened are quick to hate on it, without knowledge of its greatness. Final Fantasy VII is a great game - not because it's many people's first RPGs, but because it is good.

My first RPG was the first Final Fantasy. I was maybe 6 or 7 years old and I didn't play more than a few minutes of it, but that was my first. Growing up, not everyone gets to play every game that he or is interested in. The first RPG that struck my eye was Secret of Mana, which was not a turn-based RPG, but an action-RPG. I remember beautiful ads in GamePro magazine that stirred a desire within me to play that game, but I never had the wherewithal to purchase it. The first RPG that I actually played to completion was Final Fantasy VII.

I went into electronics boutique looking to buy Goldeneye 007 for Nintendo 64, but they were sold out. Final Fantasy VII was my second choice. Looking back, I am so glad that Goldeneye 007 was sold out that day. I was obsessed with Final Fantasy VII for years. I can still go back to the game and it still fills me with joy. I love it.

When people, who know something only on a shallow level, poke, poke and prod at something you love, it irritates you. It makes you question your beliefs. For a while, I was in the closet about my love for Final Fantasy VII, because of the hate it got from the vocal minority in the gaming-community. They hated it because it was popular, and made shallow accusations and judgments upon it from videos and screenshots.

The most asinine Final Fantasy fans are those that believe Final Fantasy VI is the best in the series. They rarely say that it's their favorite, but that it's the best, as if there is an objective way to judge any game. That is fine. Many fans of Final Fantasy VII also proclaim that Final Fantasy VII is the "best," but I have never seen them insult fans of other entries in the series. Fans of Final Fantasy VI, however, do insult other fans and place themselves on an elite, nerdy pedestal from which they spout their claims.

Calling something overrated doesn't make you sound smarter; it makes you sound petty, immature, asinine, foolish, and frankly, ignorant. If you don't understand a game; if you don't "get" it, don't chalk it up to your incorrect belief that it's overrated, but that you are not enlightened to the greatness of it.


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