A Stand Against Podcasts

I can no longer listen to Game Scoop. On its latest episode, Justin Davis insulted the Sonic-series and Sega fanboys once again.

It was just immature and unprofessional. It's too bad, because Daemon Hatfield is a great host and I in general, the speakers don't seem to fight, except for Justin Davis.

I am not saying I am a perfect human, but for a podcast on a big website, I expect one of its regular speakers to rise above the maturity-level and intelligence of a bottom-dwelling forum-poster.

On a related note, I decided to stop listening to Nintendo Voice Chat as well. José Otero also has subjectively bad opinions, but that's not what I have the biggest issue with. The issue is with how he handles others' opinions. He may be the host, but he doesn't have to have a big ego about it. Hatfield is much more gracious, humble, and accepting of others' opinions.

There comes a time when we must think for ourselves. Podcasts can be fun to listen to, but after a while, we can grow tired of listening to other people's opinions, because they do not matter. I do care about other people's opinions, to an extent, but it's ultimately a waste of time. I don't work for Nintendo in marketing or anything like that, so I don't really need to know, either. I will just game happily with my own thoughts and dreams.


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