The hypocritical nature of the Western independence-paradigm

For those of us in the Western, capitalistic world, it's a taboo to live with our parents when we're adults. They say it's to promote 'independence,' but is it really?

When people move out of their parents' house, they are still dependent on the system, and on other people. Their bosses become their new parents; their coworkers become their new siblings. This is not true independence.

I'm not saying it's bad to be dependent. On the contrary. I believe a certain amount of dependence, or more specifically, harmony, is necessary and healthy in a peaceful society. My point is that we shouldn't look down upon those living with their parents. It's an immature reaction, and highly hypocritical.

The great, peaceful societies of the past all intermixed people of all ages and generations together. They enriched each others' lives, and taught each other lessons that could not be taught or learned living alone in a single-bedroom apartment.

Let us rethink our macho, insecure, hypocritical view on living with our parents.


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