
Showing posts from August, 2016

Assault Android Cactus for Wii U On Indefinite Hold

@brfp26 no release date, we're playing it by ear and will try to announce details when we can — AssaultAndroidCactus (@AndroidCactus) August 21, 2016 Ugh. This bummed me out. Right now, they are actively developing the Vita-version. They'd rather support the Vita than the Wii U. That's incredibly sad. "We're playing it by ear," indicates that they are thinking about a Wii U version, but not really committed to it at all, even after the Vita-version is done. At best, we will get a version on NX.

Why Sticking to the Wii Brand Failed With Wii U

I know Nintendo was channeling Apple when they came up with the Wii name, and they were hoping that cashing in on the success of the name would translate into success for Wii U. The reason why this backfired is that Wii was a fad, whereas iPhone and the whole "i" brand was alive and strong. Apple's "i" devices are used on an daily basis, whether it's with their smartphones on the go, or tablets at home. Wiis were not used on such a daily basis by the time the Wii U launched. They could have averted some of this failure by calling it Wii 2, but of course, that would have made too much logical sense.

Two Mantras I Have Developed

Two mantras I have developed over the last few years is It's not too late, and You/I don't have to I mostly apply these mantras to the practice of eating. It's never too late to stop eating something. Just because you started eating a whole box of junk and you're almost done, doesn't mean you can not stop. It's never too late to stop. For the second mantra, I have another example. Today I was eating and I felt full, but there was only one piece of food left, and some part of me just wanted to finish it for some reason, but I thought to myself, "You don't have to."

The Power Of NX - Balance Is Key

This is a response to: The first reaction I had to the title was, "Who actually wants NX to be 'the best'?" Not me. To be the best would be too costly and most people wouldn't buy it, or so I think, because of the price-tag. Look at gaming-PCs. Most people play graphically-unintensive games like LoL and CS:GO. Why? Because the computers that can run those games are more affordable. One of the most prevalent things I noticed was how the writer presented everything as his or her predilections, and that's exactly what they are: just his or her own, personal predilections. Nintendo can't design the NX just for him or her. These are the main reasons why I believe PS4  succeeded: It was the most powerful console. The whole "PC Master Race" meme began cropping up on the internet, making console-gamers very insecure. They wanted to feel better a...

You Don't Have To Try: A Thesis Against Ranked Modes In Video-games

This is a response to   I really enjoyed this article. It was funny and it reminded me of how I would stress about the Arena in WoW: BC. Well, back then, it was just about getting items. Doing well wasn't directly tied to feeling good about myself, but if I got nice items, I would feel better about myself . S o I guess I stand corrected; in fact, doing well in Arenas was indirectly inspired by a desire to feel better about myself. My favorite game of the generation is Splatoon. It has a Ranked Mode, but I stopped at A- (C- to S+). I see a lot of people incorporating their Rank into their self-esteem, self-worth, and in effect, it affects how they view others as well. If someone is a lesser Rank than him or her, he or she will feel less respect toward the one with lesser Rank. Also, because there are not too many things to distinctly "accomplish" in Splatoon, many players feel the need...

The Past Tense of "Lead" is "Led," not "Lead"

This is the newest grammar-epidemic that has been spreading like wildfire in the internet. People think that "lead" is the past tense of "lead," when it is in fact "led." It's reasonable to believe so, because "read" (pronounced red) is the past tense of "read" (pronounced reed) but if there's one thing that's true of English, it's that logic does not apply. There's also the metal called lead (pronounced led).

The Macroeconomic Perils of Retro Gaming

Lately, I've been hooked on retro games. I've beaten Mega Man 4 through 7 and X, and today I beat Final Fight, which, by the way, is one hella arcade-cheap, quarter-swallowing, beat-em-up that I only got through with Nintendo's Restore Points. I've been enjoying retro games in two ways: original media, and Virtual Console. One method does not benefit the original developers or publishers, while one method does. One method is more nostalgically and viscerally satisfying, and one is less so. I don't know the economics of the Virtual Console. What percentage of the sale goes where? Nintendo must take a cut. Does the publisher get all the money? Do developers who have long-left their publisher still get royalties? Who knows? Whatever the case, the fact is that someone somewhere, whether it's a publisher or developer is still getting paid for their work they did years ago, which is a righteous thing. With the booming popularity of Steam and smartphone-app-stores,...

Nintendo Needs Third-Parties

This is a response to SuperMetaldave64's video: I think it's a slippery slope to say EA is not needed. Sure, one company is not needed, but then say that a few more times. "Rockstar is not needed, Bethesda is not needed, 2K Games is not needed," and now they are all needed. If Nintendo hasn't learned that third-parties are important, then what have they learned with Wii U? Nintendo should treat each third-party as precious and try to get as many as possible developing for NX.

Nintendo-Fan Graphical Survivor Guide

Do you like good graphics, state-of-the-art technology, but are a Nintendo-fan? Fear not. There are things I actively do to keep my Nintendo-glasses rose-tinted, and you can, too. 1. I watch YouTube videos in 360p; it is a nice, balanced resolution. This way, even if I watch a graphically impressive game, it won't look that good, and my Wii U games will still look better. 2. I am trying to stay one generation behind when purchasing other manufacturers' consoles. I bought a 360 before a Wii because I couldn't find a Wii until Q1 2008, but I bought a PS3 in 2014. I'm waiting for the next Nintendo-handheld to drop before I get a Vita. I do have a PS4 and XB1, but I've been waiting for the NX to drop before I play them extensively. 3. I turn the resolution and settings down whenever possible. When I game on PC, I set my resolution to 720p and bring down the graphical settings as much as I feel the need to. I have set my PS4 and XB1 to 720p as well, but it still looked b...

Stuck in the Past - Backwards-Compatibility

This is a reply to This is just my hypothesis, but I would say that backwards-compatibility does not positively influence sales significantly. If anything, its inclusion in a system and consequent high sales-numbers of that system, is only a coincidence, and not a causation of high sales. By the time Atari 5200 came out, its BC was inconsequential. Most people who wanted to play 2600 already had one and did not want to get a 5200. Sure, PS2 had BC, but the vast majority of people bought the system for the DVD-player. Wii had BC and VC, but most people bought it for Wii Sports. In fact, the opposite conclusion that the absence of BC helps sales, and its inclusion hurts sales might be true. With PS4, Sony dropped BC, reducing costs and allowing them to create a modern system-architecture. With Wii U, the inclusion of BC hurt sales by mentally associating it with the polarizing Wii.

NX - Nintendo's Final Fantasy

This is response to reddit-post   Beggars can't be choosers, so I'll be happy with whatever third-party support we get initially. What matters is how that support grows. I read that many people say Nintendo should buy a studio, but simply buying a studio and forcing them to make a game is not what is best. They need to create a platform that companies want to develop and publish games on whether or not Nintendo begs them to with money. Nintendo needs to rebuild these relationships from the ground up to ensure the future as well. To try to answer your question again, I would be happy with 100% Nintendo-support on one platform with sprinklings of third-party support here and there, but would be nowhere near satisfied. I expect the best from Nintendo, and other fanchildren should as well.

The Great Schism Of Nintendo-Fans: Console vs. Handheld

This is a response to Reddit NX post: This issue comes up a lot and is one of the biggest issue Nintendo faces - the schism between its home-console fans and handheld fans. I'm more of a home-console fan as well. For the most part, I only play handhelds when I'm outside my home. A lot of fans of handhelds say that they only play Wii U for one or two games and the majority of their time is spent on 3DS. I'm the opposite. I spend the majority of my time on Wii U and only use my 3DS when I'm bored and there is nothing better to do. Let us try to understand why this is. Handheld-Fans: Why do they like 3DS so much? They even claim it's the best handheld ever. To understand this, we must understand the previous generation: DS. DS is Nintendo's single most successful platform, and the gaming-industry's second-most successful device ever. Every kid probably had a DS, and now the...