Is appreciation really the best vibration to be in?
I listen to Teal Swan and she has said that appreciation is one of the highest vibrations to be in. That may be true, but is it the best?
If you're just thankful all the time, you have no desire to ameliorate your life. Let's say for example that you are literally living on feces. If you're in a state of appreciation and nothing else, you will not want a better life. You don't know any better. You do not know that you do not have to live on feces. It's not good for you.
In all fairness, Teal Swan also talks about how less-than-ideal situations give birth to desire, which then lead to amelioration. The question then becomes, "When does desire stop and appreciation begin?" When should we be satisfied and stop wanting more? Is it possible to stop wanting more?
In the case of the Nintendo-fan, I see appreciative people all the time. They are so happy for the ports of Wii U games because they never had Wii Us. Well, what about me? I had all these games before. All this time and money could have gone toward new games, or at least games that never made it to Wii U. I can't, in good conscience, appreciate all these ports, although if I did, I might be happier. I might be happier being a blind fanchild that rebuys games Nintendo defecates out ten times a decade. It is a conundrum.
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