American Idol is a microcosmic example of the disgusting state of capitalism

I was watching old episodes of American Idol the other day, and I was disgusted by how the show treated people - like cattle, herded from room to room, as they searched for people who could sing.

Whether you get picked to go to Hollywood or not, you don't feel good. If you don't get picked, you feel worthless, but if you do, all you get is a feeling of relief. It's not really happiness or joy you feel. You would get joy from singing whether you got picked or not. Auditioning for American Idol comes from a desire to be recognized by others for your singing, as well as the desire to make money from it.

American Idol is just a drop in the bucket in this sewage-filled cesspool we call capitalism. It's the same situation for any other job-opening. Just like prostitutes, we have to advertise ourselves on resumes so that people will give us money.

Is this the type of world we want to live in - a world where we feel like cattle and pieces of meat to be judged? Let us eschew competition and capitalism and live in a world of cooperation and harmony.


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