The Difference Between An Asshole And A Nice Person

People are very similar at the core. We may look very different from one another, but if you go down to the scientific nitty-gritty, I don't have the exact percentages, but the difference between people is miniscule. Even chimpanzees and humans have remarkable similarities in genetics. The difference between an asshole and a nice person comes down to upbringing, empathy, and self-control. Whether or not you are an asshole, is a personal choice an adult can make.

Assholes choose not to exercise this choice. They give excuses like "I'm just honest," or blame nice people and say that "They're not being real." It might be true that nice people are not being 100% truthful about their emotions, but what kind of world would that be if everyone was honest about their emotions all the time? There would be much higher rates of violence and crime.

Assholes look at nice people like they're the problem. If nice people were 100% honest, then assholes would not exist; they would all be killed by the nice people. This is certainly a paradoxical statement; a nice person wouldn't kill anybody. My point is that after killing the assholes, nice people would go back to being nice.

Being a nice person, even if disingenuous, is not necessarily a bad thing. Your view might differ, but I believe we have evil, violent tendencies deeply rooted in ourselves. We can all be triggered to do terrible things. Given that unfortunate truth, isn't it better to strive to be better than what we naturally are? Isn't it better to transcend ourselves and be better than what comes easily?

Being nice is not easy, so let's not demonize people for being nice. You are only encouraging people to be assholes.


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