Africans need to stop using the n-word

Africans around the world need to stop saying the n-word. It perpetuates the word, keeping it relevant. Every time someone in a company uses it, it becomes national news, and he or she gets fired. All this only serves to keep the word alive. What are the other racial slurs for other races? They really don't exist in the mainstream-vernacular because they are not perpetuated by mainstream media, and only exist within racist circles. We don't know them. They are not as widely known because the races don't call each other these slurs, like Africans do, like a sick joke.

By saying that only they (Africans) can use the n-word, it makes it a forbidden fruit that entices people to use it. Even if someone is not racist, he or she will try to hurt an African by saying the word because Africans are programmed to be offended by it. I see it all the time. Immature children will just throw out the word in online videogames or chat-rooms because they know it is forbidden, and its use will get them attention.

If an African says the word, it's okay, and even a term of endearment; but if a non-African says it, an African is supposed to be offended, regardless of context or intent. Does that make any sense? I understand that the intent of transforming the word into an intra-African, hiphop-term was a defense-mechanism designed to dull the sharp and pejorative effect of the word, but the intent has backfired.

Kenyon Martin attacked Jeremy Lin's dreadlocks, as if dreadlocks belong only to Africans. Thinking that certain things only belong to certain races is a pathetic, victim-like way of living life. I'm sure, growing up, he felt like certain things were not accessible by him because of his own race, but attacking Lin because of his race was racist - paying racism forward to another race.

It is time for us to not lean on defense-mechanisms. Let us all stop using the n-word altogether, even Africans among Africans. Europeans and Asians don't go around calling themselves racial slurs, and Africans shouldn't either.


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