Response to 'Should the NX go back to "Lateral thinking with withered technology"?'

I don't think so.

That philosophy applied to their handheld division, and it worked, but it would not apply to NX if it was a home-console.

Even the Wii, which used an overclocked Gamecube, succeeded not because of its low specs, but because of its innovative controller. In fact, I would say that it succeeded in spite of its low specs. Imagine if Wii was a little bit more powerful. Imagine if Wii was a little more expensive. How well could it have done? If Wii was a little more powerful and $50 more at $300, I think it still would have done well.

In the absence of such an attractive innovation, Nintendo should not go to 'lateral thinking with withered technology.' Isn't that essentially what they did with Wii U? It was a technological jump for them, but not for the rest of the industry or world. It's marginally better than a 360 or PS3. People didn't want graphics on-par with those consoles; they wanted the next generation.

In a sense, if the rumors are true, NX will be on-par with XB1 and PS4, but in this case, it should do a little better than Wii U, because this generation will last longer than last generation, despite what some people think. Why? Development-times are getting longer; costs are going up. It makes no sense for XB1 and PS4 to only last 5 years. If NX can be on-par with XB1 and PS4, it can play catch-up. It can still get the multiplats if the rumors, that it's really easy to port to, are true.


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