Pokemon - Simultaneously Nintendo's Biggest Boon And Curse

Pokemon is Nintendo's biggest money-maker right now, so it's understandable to direct their company based around that franchise, but I feel like they shouldn't.

What if Pokemon was a home-console games? Would it stop selling?

What if Monster Hunter was no longer portable and exclusive to a home-console NX? Would it stop selling?

These are questions that Nintendo must try to answer for NX.

I remember reading about a survey regarding smartphone-games and most people actually played them at home. If people are at home anyway, there is no need for a portable device. Cede the portable market to smartphones and try to take over the living-room and bedroom once again.

Although Iwata talked about NX being a family of systems, I think Nintendo should focus on one thing: a home-device.

Phones have overtaken the handheld market. It is annoying to carry around two devices when one leaves one's house. I wish Nintendo would take a big risk and move Pokemon to the home.

I know that Nintendo "unified" their handheld and console development teams into one building or whatever, but I don't think it will be enough if they still have two devices.

As much as Pokemon keeps Nintendo afloat, it also hinders their technological and creative innovation and expression. Move everything to one home-console, and see what happens.


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