White Japanese Sega Saturn 3D Control Pad (Controller) Review HSS-0137
As a recently new Sega Saturn owner, I knew I had to get the Sega Saturn 3D Control Pad because it was the definitive controller for playing Nights Into Dreams. I decided to purchase the more aesthetically-pleasing Japanese version. Upon first inspection, it is noticeably big - bigger than it should be. Sega was probably going for form over function here, because the round shape does look like a mini-spaceship or UFO, which goes with their theme of space with the Saturn itself, but it is not the most ergonomically comfortable controller out there. For example, when playing six-button fighting-games, it is difficult to hold the controller in the left hand and 'piano' the buttons with the right. The d-pad is a little different from the American Model 1 and Japanese Model 2 controllers'. It feels a little stiffer. Of the three controllers I have tried, it has my least favorite d-pad. On the plus-side, however, it features the best start-button of the three. ...
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