People throw the word 'entitled' around like it's the new fad-word that
makes them sound smart. They say stuff like "You sound entitled." You
meant to say "You sound like you have a sense of entitlement." It reminds me of people who say, "I could care less." You mean that you
could not care less. If you could care less, it means you care enough so
that you could care less than you already do.
A lot of scalpers and capitalists are saying this to people who are sad that they can't buy an SNES Mini, but it doesn't even apply to this situation. How can we feel entitled to something we have to pay money for? We feel entitled to have to pay money for something we don't need?
We want this thing. We just want a fair chance of buying it. If someone thought he or she deserved an SNES Mini for free, then he or she would have a feeling of entitlement.
The difference between scalpers and non-scalpers is that we non-scalpers believe in a world where people aren't selfish and predatory. It's not that we feel like we are entitled to live in such a world, but that we believe that is a world we should live in. Faith. Try believing in something.
A lot of scalpers and capitalists are saying this to people who are sad that they can't buy an SNES Mini, but it doesn't even apply to this situation. How can we feel entitled to something we have to pay money for? We feel entitled to have to pay money for something we don't need?
We want this thing. We just want a fair chance of buying it. If someone thought he or she deserved an SNES Mini for free, then he or she would have a feeling of entitlement.
The difference between scalpers and non-scalpers is that we non-scalpers believe in a world where people aren't selfish and predatory. It's not that we feel like we are entitled to live in such a world, but that we believe that is a world we should live in. Faith. Try believing in something.
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