Trying To Make Sense Of The Latest NX-Rumors: SemiAccurate and Nvidia; Emily Rogers and Horsepower
Interesting... On Thursday, May 12th, reported that Nvidia-chips may be in NX. The following day, famed Nintendo-reporter Emily Rogers blogged about the horsepower of the NX. Both rumors seemed to be able to coexist, meaning they didn't necessarily clash and contradict each other. As far as Nvidia goes, they don't make CPUs for desktops like AMD and Intel, but make SOCs for mobile devices and automobiles. This coincides with what Rogers wrote about how NX won't be x86 and won't blow the socks off of XB1 or PS4. There are four avenues that Nintendo can travel: 1. Handheld-only (no TV-output) 2. Home-console-only 3. Handheld-console hybrid (TV-output w/ possible docking-station or SCD) 4. Both a handheld and home-console Let's look at each possibility and weigh the likelihoods of each. 1. A handheld-only future is definitely possible. Wii U has sold like garbage, while 3DS has sold very well. It makes financial sense to quit mak...