Life is bad, especially this American culture and economic system we live in. I saw a video about rape on Native American reservations and I realize that the entire American system - the whole Western civilization promotes crime and self-destruction. It is pretty remarkable. Before the crackers came to what is now North and South America, there was very little crime and much less disease. Now, you bring STDs, alcohol and capitalism over and now you're fucking everything up. Sure, Natives still engaged in tribal warfare, but their way of life, overall, was self-sustaining. They lived off the land, and not each other. Capitalism is not good, because it forces people to live off of each other, and to take advantage of each other. The Native lifestyle, which I will generalize, is so much better, because you're not living off of people; rather, you're living off the earth, which, if you believe in God, was the way He meant for us to live. Capitalism breeds greed. Part of tha...