I'm not really feeling it (my feelings on the termination of Alison Rapp).
By now, we have learned about the termination of Alison Rapp from Nintendo of America. Other than the obvious things, I would like to write about how this has affected me personally. I remember first seeing Alison Rapp at Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2014. She has the best laugh at the Treehouse, hands down. Eventually, I discovered Twitter and followed her. I even participated in her 24-hour Extra Life gaming-marathon charity-event and became the highest donor. It was taking a long time to receive my donation-incentive reward so I tweeted to her about it and she responded quickly. After that, she favorited a few of my tweets as well. It felt nice to be acknowledged. Her termination this past week has triggered mixed feelings about the situation. On one hand, I was sad for Alison Rapp, and indeed all NoA employees. Who knows if Erik Peterson was also terminated for similarly unjust reasons (although I suspect he was Trevelyan's source)? Chris Pranger was also terminated last...