
Showing posts from February, 2016

Do not fear. The generation's end is not near.

There are some people who think this will be a "standard" 5-year generation. Discounting the Wii U, which looks set to die prematurely after 4 years, the Xbox One and PS4 have a lot of years left in them. Exhibit A: Hololens and PlayStation VR Microsoft and Sony are investing a lot of time and money into these endeavors. They will not want to end the generation before these new technologies can be utilized and/or have their R&D expenses recouped We still do not have the same pace of new games that we had a generation ago this far into the generation. Devs and pubs are continuing to push the envelope, and thus it's taking longer to make new games. If Xbox 360 lasted from 2005 to 2013, we can expect Xbox One and PS4 to last at least as long (8 years). Using this logic, the earliest we should expect Xbox Two and PS5 is 2021, and by then NX will have had 5 years in the marketplace, which is "standard."

Pokémon Direct Announced!

There will be a Pokémon Direct on Friday, February 26th, at 10 AM EST. Watch here at Nintendo , or on YouTube .

Steam Code Giveaway for Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops & Viking: Battle for Asgard

 6NBJT-VYD49-NV7M0 I had signed up for the newsletter the first time (for Binary Domain, Condemned, and Streets of Rage 2), but thought I had to sign up for it again the second time to get these games (Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops & Viking: Battle for Asgard), but couldn't because they already had my e-mail address. So I signed up with another e-mail address, and I got a code for it (and redeemed it) before I got this code. So I hope someone finds this code and uses it. Enjoy.
What I Want In A New Metroid-Game I want a survival-horror take on the Metroid-franchise. Ever play Metroid Prime 2? In the beginning, there is a strong survival-horror atmosphere. This could be a direction that Metroid NX could go. Alien Isolation was a fantastic survival-horror game released in 2014. The IP was a deep inspiration for the original Metroid, so it's fitting that Alien Isolation, the latest and greatest videogame in the Alien-franchise, would influence the next Metroid-game. While Metroid is not solely an indoor series, the futuristic, indoor environments could serve as inspiration for indoor levels in Metroid NX. Zero Suit Samus could make a playable return in Metroid NX. Like in the GBA-game Metroid Zero Mission, ZSS would be greatly disadvantaged in her Zero Suit, and the circumstance would be perfect for tense and horrifying stealth-levels. Even in her Power Suit, the game could be a survival-horror game. The devs could introduce a new enemy or...
Xenoblade Chronicles X Collector's Edition Guide Review "Not Completely Useless" There's a list of where to find certain items that are in the blue crystals in the world, but that's it. Instead of spending time providing lists of information that don't really help, I think guide-authors need to think about writing a guide from the point-of-view of a gamer actually playing the game. For example, the bestiary is comprehensive, but it's not very useful to the gamer because they do not mention where specifically they spawn. Just mentioning that an indigen is on Oblivia is not very helpful. Having a list of all the quests is nice if you want to check them off your list, but some information about how to complete them would be nice. I understand that the game is best experienced with a modicum of information; a lot of joy is in the exploration and discovery you do by yourself, but when someone pays money for a guide, he or she is not inter...