Kid Icarus: Uprising Review
There is only one thing wrong with this game, and I am here to inform you of it before you decide to purchase this product. "But only one thing wrong with it? How could you give it three stars?" Because it is the most important part of any game: the controls. If you want someone drooling all over this game and praising it to the high heavens, so you can justify wasting 30 dollars on this game, there are other reviews out there doing so. You won't find that here. And look, I am a "verified purchaser". Nintendo got my money. What more do you want, fanboys? Pros: + The graphics are the best I've seen yet on the 3DS. + There is so much content, meaning unlockables and modes. Cons: - The controls are uncomfortable to say the least. There is no possible control scheme out of the box that is remotely perfect. If you use the default setup of using the touchscreen to aim, your left hand will cramp because you have your left index finger bent the whole ti...